- Event Date: 26th March 2025, 09.30am - 12.30pm
- Venue: Microsoft Teams
- Organiser: sben
New E-Learning Carbon Literacy Training Programme
The training is available to businesses in Staffordshire (excluding Stoke-on-Trent), however priority will be given to businesses in Stafford Borough, South Staffordshire, East Staffordshire and Staffordshire Moorlands.
This new programme consists of five hours self learning which must be completed prior to attending the online workshop to complete the course. (As soon as you are registered and set up, you can access the training.)
There is a requirement to complete an evidence/pledge form, but this will be started during the course.
Session 1: The Science, Psychology and Impacts of Climate Change
- Positive future- what could the world look like in a positive future scenario?
- What is Carbon Literacy and why is it important?
- Bigger Picture – how are our governments responding to climate change?
- The science behind climate change
- How did we get into this position?
- Current trajectories, tipping points and feedback loops
- Impacts of climate change; internationally, nationally, locally and for SME’s
- Climate justice and inequality
- What role do SME’s, Local Authorities and Councils sectors play in changing behaviours?
- Terminology and the Road to Net Zero
Session 2: Carbon Hotspots, Solutions and Action Planning
- Bigger picture solutions
- Individual action
- Greenwashing
- Carbon hotspots of SME’s
- What can we do as organisations?
- Exploring new sustainable innovations for SME’s
- Environmental policies/actions plans
- Case studies of SME’s taking effective action
- Engaging your stakeholders and effective communication
- Building networks
- Action planning/pledges
If you would like to register your interest, please complete the Event Registration Form below and we will contact you shortly.
If you have any queries, please contact patricia.tennant@staffordshire.gov.uk.
The Green Solutions Carbon Literacy Training is funded by Stafford Borough Council & South Staffs Council using UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Staffordshire County.