- Event Date: 11th March 2025, 09:30 - 17:00
- Venue: The Moat House Hotel, Lower Penkridge Road, Acton Trussell, Stafford, ST17 0RJ
- Organiser: sben/Staffordshire County Council
The workshop is available to businesses in Staffordshire (excluding Stoke-on-Trent), however priority will be given to businesses in Stafford Borough, East Staffordshire, Staffordshire Moorlands and South Staffordshire.
The course will be:
- Date: 11th March 2025
- Time: 09:30 to 17:00 (You will need to bring your own lunch)
- Venue: In-person | The Moat House Hotel, Lower Penkridge Road, Acton Trussell, Stafford, ST17 0RJ
There is a requirement to complete an evidence/pledge form, but this will be started during the course.
Session 1: The Science, Psychology and Impacts of Climate Change
- Positive future- what could the world look like in a positive future scenario?
- What is Carbon Literacy and why is it important?
- Bigger Picture – how are our governments responding to climate change?
- The science behind climate change
- How did we get into this position?
- Current trajectories, tipping points and feedback loops
- Impacts of climate change; internationally, nationally, locally and for SME’s
- Climate justice and inequality
- What role do SME’s, Local Authorities and Councils sectors play in changing behaviours?
- Terminology and the Road to Net Zero
Session 2: Carbon Hotspots, Solutions and Action Planning
- Bigger picture solutions
- Individual action
- Greenwashing
- Carbon hotspots of SME’s
- What can we do as organisations?
- Exploring new sustainable innovations for SME’s
- Environmental policies/actions plans
- Case studies of SME’s taking effective action
- Engaging your stakeholders and effective communication
- Building networks
- Action planning/pledges
If you would like to register your interest, please complete the Event Registration Form below and we will contact you shortly.
If you have any queries, please contact patricia.tennant@staffordshire.gov.uk.
The Green Solutions Carbon Literacy Training is funded by Stafford Borough Council & South Staffs Council using UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Staffordshire County.