Please note that LCBEP has now ended.  Any future funding, will be promoted on our website, through our newsletters, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.

Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme

The Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme ** (LCBEP) will help businesses across Stoke on Trent & Staffordshire LEP reduce their carbon footprint and increase energy efficiency.

LCBEP ended 30 June 2023.


The programme involves three key elements of support:


1. A FREE specialist low carbon review around Energy Efficiency

  • A review of current energy consumption
  • A site visit to undertake the review
  • Recommendations to reduce energy use
  • A site visit to present the report and discuss how to implement recommendations


2. A Low Carbon Enterprise Grant

  • Grant funding of between £2,000 – £20,000 (up to 60% of your net costs covered) to help businesses implement recommendations.
  • Grant applications will only be considered where the potential annual carbon savings for the works to be implement would be at least 3 tonnes. As a guide, 3 tonnes is equivalent to a reduction in 10,700 kWh electricity, or 17,000 kWh gas.
  • Grant applications and grant claims must be submitted by the deadline dates above.


3. A series of Business Events

  • Held through Stoke on Trent & Staffordshire LEP area to help businesses find out more about energy efficiency best practise. See our Events page.

LCBEP Project process v3.


Your business must:

  • Have premises located in the Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire LEP area, and
  • Spend more than £3,000 a year on energy, and
  • Meet the definition on a Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) and be located within the administrative area of Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire LEP.

SMEs are enterprises that:

  • Employ fewer than 250 full-time equivalent persons
  • Have an annual turnover not exceeding €50 million OR have an annual balance sheet total not exceeding €43 million.

Additional eligibility criteria may apply; our experts will guide you through the process according to the specific needs of your business.

**This project is part funded with support from the European Regional Development Fund Programme 2014 – 2020 and delivered by Staffordshire County Council in partnership with Keele University and Staffordshire University. The project currently runs until 30th June 2023.

View LCBEP Leaflet

Case Studies
Click here to view LCBEP case studies.