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Green Chilli Training Ltd

Green Chilli Training Ltd is an offshoot of our main business which is Chilli Pepper Development Ltd.

We created Green Chilli with a view to providing non-technical or “soft” skills to businesses that operate within the green industry.

The green industry is one of the most buoyant UK industries and currently has around 75,700 businesses in the UK’s Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services (LCEGS) sector, employing some 1.2million people and estimates suggest that a further 700,000 jobs could be created within the next decade as we transition to net zero.

This transition represents a significant market opportunity, with the whole of the supply chain set to benefit. Whilst some businesses are already well positioned to exploit these opportunities, others will require additional support to drive innovation and competitiveness, upskill their workforces and to benchmark their abilities against their peers.

The purpose of Green Chilli Training will be to help make the people who work in the green industry brilliant in their roles, which in turn will make their businesses a success leading ultimately to an acceleration towards net zero.