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Support Staffordshire
Support Staffordshire empowers communities to be the best they can be. It supports communities, individuals and organisations to work in collaboration to bring about positive change in their community by actively encouraging Social Action
Our services aim to:
- increase people’s skills and knowledge
- harness people’s drive, enthusiasm and energy
- enhance individual and family livelihoods
- build capacity in neighbourhoods & communities
- improve the relationships and resilience of organisations and individuals
We deliver in three main ways:
- Advancing Individual Social Action and Volunteering For All
- Supporting Community and Organisational Development, especially through effective, influential and local, voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations.
- Convening Across Organisations and Collaborating with a Strong Collective Voice; in recognition that VCSE organisations are interdependent on a myriad of other local organisations, public bodies and local businesses with the same aims.