Innovators in fire protection and leaders in environmental management, Project Fire located in Hixon Staffordshire is the right choice in fire protection equipment. With 40 years of experience in the business, the company is a worldwide leader in research and development of fire protection products.

In addition to prevent and control fire threats, Fire Project is also focused in the protection of water resources facing the long-term water shortage challenges in the future.


Project Fire holds an ISO 14001 accreditation and is recognized as an environmental leader in its own sector.

ESP carried out an environmental health-check and waste review to not only help Project Fire improve their environmental performance, but also to ensure that they were compliant with their legal obligations.

Good Practices

Since the audit, Project Fire has gone on to achieve certification to ISO 50001 which demonstrate their commitment to manage their energy effectively.

To demonstrate how challenging the next step in accreditation is; total ISO 50001: 2011 certificates issued at the end of 2015 were 1464 in the UK, making it the second country with more certificates issued, behind Germany with 5931*.

This accreditation based in energy efficiency management and environmental issues, will certainly add value to the company and will open new business opportunites in the near future.

*ISO, 2016. ISO Survey 2015 [Excel]. Available here [Accessed September 2016]

Sben Support

In addition to the identification of improvement opportunities, environmental management tools were provided to be used in waste management compliance. These tools allowed Fire Project to easily register and track all the activities that needed to be reported.

To move ahead after the visit, a report prepared by ESP allowed the implementation of correctives actions. Project fire proved sben support through ESP was beneficial, towards the company continual improvement in place.