Hear about the forum from our Chair Adam Whitehouse of TMT First.

This digital platform provides members with a free space to communicate, share best practices, and collaborate. From eco-friendly tips to business insights, the forum promises to be a valuable resource shaped by sben members! 

Ask our amazing network for help or advice, support each other within the sben community and even show off your knowledge! Sign up today.


  • Introduce yourself and network with other Staffordshire sben members
  • Follow and find out more about sustainable business practices
  • Keep up to date with changes to any environmental legislation
  • Seize grant and support opportunities
  • Be the first to know about any events and services from the sben community
  • Collaborate with other sben businesses

You will be able to follow specific forums and threads so you won’t miss a thing, and if you have never used a forum before, don’t worry there will be guidance on how to use and navigate the forum.

How did we do? (Net Zero – 28.11.2024)

Achieving Net Zero & Unlocking Green Growth and Skills Your feedback on our ‘Achieving Net Zero & Unlocking Green Growth...

How did we do ? (sben AGM 21.11.2024)

Your feedback on our AGM on 21st November 2024 would be appreciated.  Feedback helps us in improving our service and...

ESP Legislation Update – presentation

                            Click here to open the presentation...