Help your staff to keep commuting to work in a green way throughout the winter, and actually enjoy it!

The Conquer the Cold Commuter Challenge is an online commuting competition that takes place through December and January. It aims to keep green and alternative commutes going and invite everyone in Staffordshire to commute to work by cycling, walking, taking the bus or car sharing, or even just switching off their car when idling.
The goal of the challenge is to encourage employees that many not otherwise use alternative modes of transporting to use it at least once during the competition and realise the health benefits and the benefit to their wallet!
It’s not about leaving the car at home every day. Just walking, cycling or car sharing once a week will make a huge difference and could air pollution by 10% and traffic jams by 20% ! By not idling, you could save at least 150 balloons of pollution a minute and save up to £100 a year.
Air pollution is also a problem in Staffordshire, contributing to at least 600 deaths a year. Air pollution damages the health of us all, and is actually worse during the winter months, and actually up to 12 times worse in a car than outside it. So staying in the saddle or in those walking boots make sense!
By logging your alternative trips at you can compete as an individual or as part of our company or organisation and win bragging rights! There’s lots of support there to help your staff keep commuting sustainability, and enjoy it!

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