To coincide with World Water Week (23rd – 27th August) sben members Water Plus have kindly provided some tips on businesses avoiding unnecessary costs and issues.

Water Plus are the largest water retailer in the UK with more than 350,000 customers – and a joint venture between two of the largest water companies in the UK, United Utilities and Severn Trent.

Businesses across Staffordshire may not realise the benefits from noting regular meter readings for their water use.

From spotting issues on-site, including leaks, to setting baselines for your utilities and lowering bills based on estimated use – where water use has dropped – water’s worth looking at. Plus, using water more effectively – and cutting any waste from dripping taps or other fittings – helps the environment and Net Zero aims you have too

Here’s what to keep in mind, to help protect your business from additional avoidable costs and water issues

  1. Look at your water meter, if it’s safe to access, and locate your site’s stop taps. Check your stop taps are working, so you can isolate a burst pipe – or water issue – quickly.
  2. Make checks on your site regularly – and look out for leaks – it’s worth encouraging employees, or security staff, to report leaks as well as dripping taps and constantly running urinals as these can waste hundreds of litres of water a day.
  3. Consider water-saving kit to help lower future costs and help Net Zero aims – If you use less hot water there’s an energy and cost saving. Plus, there’s currently super tax deductions available for organisations that invest in equipment including fittings in their buildings, so it’s a great time to look at low-cost water-saving tech – paying you to save more in the future.
  4. Have you got a water emergency plan for your site/s? Knowing what to do and where you can get water, if it stopped suddenly, is essential to limit the impact on your operation.

Click here for further information.

You can read more about what you can do with water – and how we can help too – here.