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Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Services

SCVYS is a registered charity and our objectives are to:

* Support the growth of a safe, strong and sustainable children, young people and family’s voluntary sector through a high-quality offer.
* Further establish our role as the specialist children and young people capacity-building organisation in Staffordshire.
* Promote and encourage a person-centred approach across the children and family’s system that values the voice of Children, Young People and Families in improving support and services.

We provide development support to voluntary Children, Families and Youth organisations in Staffordshire including family support groups, junior/senior youth clubs, uniformed organisations, LGBTQ+ groups, SEND & Disability groups, sports, arts and faith organisations.

Our support offer includes advice and guidance on:

* Starting up a new group including developing your committee and constitution
* Developing your policies and procedures e.g. Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Risk Assessments
* Registering your organisation as a Charity, CIO or CIC
* Finding and applying for grant funding including tailored Grantfinder searches
* Recruiting and managing volunteers
* Accessing training opportunities for VCSE volunteers / staff / young people e.g. First Aid, Food Hygiene, Safeguarding, Youth Work
* DBS requirements and screening of volunteers and paid staff
* Project Evaluation and research
* Youth Consultation
* Promoting VCSE activities via our searchable online Activities Map
* We also provide access to a range of youth engagement opportunities for young people. These include Staffs Youth Union, UK Youth Parliament, Bremen Friendship Camp, UKRI Young Community Researchers and Moorlands Youth Eco-Leaders project