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Water Plus


Water Plus, a multi-award winner, supports businesses and organisation of all sizes, across England and Scotland, to make their water easy and efficient – with its customers seeing a 37% – and higher – water-saving, on average daily use.

Driving water efficiency’s central to its service approach – with its water audits, leak find and fix, additional water tracking technology and water efficient technology installation services, helping cut running costs, energy use – and carbon emissions at small business sites, multi-sites, manufacturers and in other sectors.

There are carbon emissions linked to all water used at buildings, so you cannot go Net Zero without considering – and looking closer at – the water you’re using and the way it’s being used.

With additional sustainability reporting requirements for larger businesses – including for Boards, suppliers and customers, looking to water – to help power decarbonisation progress – is worth the time.

Tap into the saving opportunities – in your business water

As well as reducing water consumption, Water Plus’s approach helped a manufacturer make a saving of around £11,000 across two years on running costs (2023 and 2024) – and helped a Schools Trust save £45,000 a year, in 2024, through its multi award winning customer service, knowledge and expertise around water management.

It can also provide trade effluent efficiencies and reviews, alongside billing, meter reading and account management.

To partner with Water Plus – to make more of the water used and deliver your environmental and Net Zero ambitions – email and include “Help us go Net Zero” in the subject heading.

Our main office is located in Stoke-on-Trent, with Key Account Managers working across England and Scotland. We also have an additional employee base in Glasgow.

Click here for more information about us – and to see more details on the 20 awards we’ve won since October 2022.