Hardy Signs Ltd., of Burton-on-Trent was the first business to receive a grant under LCBEP. They had already undertaken significant works to reduce their impact on the environment; 200 solar panels have been installed and are connected to inverters which convert the DC Voltage into AC Voltage that can be used to run machinery, lights, power, heating etc. On a bright sunny day, these panels are capable of generating up to 50 kW/hr. Hardy Signs was keen to continue their commitment to the environment and wanted to look at the lighting in the factory to see if there were further improvements they could make.

Specialist low carbon consultant for LCBEP, ESP, visited Hardy Signs to undertake a free energy efficiency review. Richard Goodwin from ESP looked at all aspects of energy use on site including the heating, air conditioning, lighting, insulation, glazing and energy management. Potential energy savings were identified through updating halogen tube lighting with LED panels and tubes. This would reduce electricity bills by approximately £1,000 per year and save an equivalent of 2.7 tonnes CO2.

Case study Hardy Signs

Case study Hardy Signs

The image on the left shows the lighting before replacement and the image on the right shows the same area after installation of LEDs.


Hardy Signs successfully applied for an LCBEP grant which covered 60% of the cost of installing the new lighting and, following the works, their first electricity bill was halved!