Benefits of the LCBEP Grant
UK Business IT successfully applied for a grant for this work, which totalled £10, 720.80, and received their grant of £6,432.48 in November 2017.
Taking into account UK Business IT’s contribution of £4,288.32 and their estimated annual savings of £5,306, their project payback period is calculated as 2.5 years!
UK Business IT is a technology company that specialises in delivering quality IT infrastructure and associated technology solutions. The company is located on the site of the former Twyfords factory, and occupies office space within a 2-storey concrete frame building.
Having received an enquiry from Mark Swann of UK Business IT, the LCBEP team discussed his proposed project, checked the business eligibility and the support available through LCBEP.
Specialist low carbon consultant Environmental Solutions through partnership (ESP) visited UK Business IT to undertake a free LCBEP energy review that looked at all aspects of the business; existing EMS, vehicles and transportation, buildings, insulation and glazing, heating, cooling and lighting.
Potential annual energy savings were identified through installing ceiling and flooring insulation and a heating/cooling system equivalent to around 38,938 kWh 6.1 tonnes CO2 and £1,706 cost saving per annum.
LCBEP Recommendation
As UK Business IT confirmed they had sufficient funds available, Mark was keen to progress all recommendations.
As the flooring had been stripped out, it offers the opportunity to insulate the existing solid floor. ESP recommended the existing concrete slab be overlaid with a suitable rigid insulation, before over-boarding with a tongue and groove structural grade strand board (OSB). Insulating above the suspended ceiling tiles also offered a simple and cost effective way of reducing both heating and cooling demand to the office.
As both heating and cooling were required by the UK Business IT over a relatively small footprint, ESP recommended that ASHP units were used to provide both heating and cooling to the office, rather than separate systems, because ASHP is most effective when installed into spaces with good air tightness and that are well insulated.